This site is presented to you by the Gentle Soul who watches over you from the Field of All Possibilities. Use it to increase your spiritual awareness….to draw you nearer to the Great Soul who enfolds you in His Everlasting Arms of Love and Grace.
Chapel 573 provides individual and family counseling for adults and children, major life transitions, educational workshops, family counseling, teens in transition, and parenting classes under the auspices of the Life Management Center, the counseling division of the church. Books 2 Change Your Life publishes Self Awareness and Spiritual books for adults and children. Make Your Mind Work For You Motivational Programs presents Spiritual and Self Empow-erment courses such as Avatar, The Eternal Life of the Soul, and Transform Your Life Instantly, worldwide.
As an Interfaith Minister, time is devoted to the ongoing search for truth by studying, integrating, and uniting in consciousness with other people who are interested in the merging with the Oversoul, that Supreme Reality the spiritual essence which is the vital force in the universe in which all souls participate. This is the life quest, to seek to comprehend that force that transcends individual consciousness through the oneness of all beings realizing unity consciousness. Emerson has said that this unity within which every man’s particular being is contained and made one with all others, is the essence of the concept of Oversoul.
CHURCH MINISTRIES Organized under Alliance of Divine Love, Inc,. Chapel 573 All donations are 100% tax deductible and will be gratefully appreciated.
Therapists for Veterans: A PTSD Cognitive Deletion Approach to healing American veterans.
Restoring Dignity to Inmates: Bringing self understanding and self acceptance to the incarcerated.
Bloom Where You Are Planted:A Child’s Outreach Program teaching children about their authentic self, their creative nature, and how to live in an intentionally harmonious, compassionate, and beneficent way. Supported by the Molly McGee books, CD’s, and toy line.
Home for Americans: Returning homes to the foreclosed through a lease buy back program with minimum monthly payments on a 5 year program.
With you in the loving consciousness of peace, Rev. Adele Tartaglia, AvatarMaster-Wizard 480/706-8137 tools2changeyourlife.com; thelifemanagement-center.com, onlyloveisreal@q.com